Embarcadero Change Manager v5.1.3 Ultimate Edition Linux 英文正式版(資料的更新與變遷軟體)
第1步: 複製破裂的.jars從/iNViSiBLE dir到installdir \插入\ com.codegear.sanctuary.client.core_8.3.0.v20091112_0634 \
Embarcadero Change Manager v5.1.3 Ultimate Edition Linux 英文正式版(資料的更新與變遷軟體)
第2步: 發射變動經理,當執照註冊窗口開放,精選的" 我接受了活化作用文件
(*.slip或reg*.txt) " 選擇,新聞" Browse" 並且進口由供應的.slip文件。
Embarcadero Change Manager是解決IT行業中最為頭痛的難題之一,大型複雜關係
資料的更新與變遷的工具. 它以統一的介面支援所有主要資料庫:Oracle,Sybase
,Microsoft SQL Server以及IBM DB2 UDB。
EmbarcaderoR Change Manager? helps database administrators and developers
simplify and automate database change management to streamline development
and ensure availability, performance and compliance.
Simplify and automate database change management
Streamline development cycles
Ensure availability, performance and compliance
Change Manager’s compare, synchronization, data masking, and auditing
capabilities let you track and report on changes, roll out new releases,
and pinpoint performance problems resulting from changes at the data,
schema and database configuration levels. By comparing a live database to
a schema or configuration “snapshot” administrators can quickly identify
changes and correct problems in less time. And by monitoring configuration
settings, DBAs can ensure compliance with regulatory policies and performance
standards, and maintain overall database performance and availability. Change
Manager supports IBMR DB2R for LUW, MicrosoftR SQL Server, OracleR, and SybaseR
from a single, easy to use interface.
Change Manager is available in four product editions to suit the needs of
database administrators (DBAs) and developers. For details on the differences
between the editions, see the Product Editions page.