New Digital World Studio
IBM Lotus Extended Search V4.0 for LINUX 中(繁/簡)/英12國語言光碟正式版
!!!產品類別: 搜尋伺服軟體
Lotus Domino Extended Search 超強智慧型搜索引擎。
用者希望從一個單一的入口,就可同時尋找內、外部(Web)數據。Domino Extended
.支持廣泛的平台。包括: Windows NT、Windows 2000和IBM AIX等。
.使用嵌入在Java Server Pages中的Domino Extended Search組件,創建功能強大
.支持企業級的Java Beans,可以與WebSphere集成。
.提供系統預設定義的 WebSphere Portal Server Portlets,讓使用者自動關聯到
Domino Extended Search資料庫,便於WebSphere Portal Server應用中使用者使
Lotus Domino Extended Search 超強智慧型搜索引擎。
用者希望從一個單一的入口,就可同時尋找內、外部(Web)數據。Domino Extended
.支持廣泛的平台。包括: Windows NT、Windows 2000和IBM AIX等。
.使用嵌入在Java Server Pages中的Domino Extended Search組件,創建功能強大
的客戶端搜索應用。NDW Studio
.支持企業級的Java Beans,可以與WebSphere集成。
.提供系統預設定義的 WebSphere Portal Server Portlets,讓使用者自動關聯到
Domino Extended Search資料庫,便於WebSphere Portal Server應用中使用者使
IBM(R) Lotus(R) Extended Search is a scalable, server-based technology
that searches in parallel across many content and data sources, returning
integrated query results into a Web application.
Key Benefits of Extended Search
- Single search: Find relevant information from multiple sources with a
single search using only a Web browser
- Parallel searching: Search in parallel across structured and unstructured
data stores, including popular web search sites, Lotus sources, RDBMS,
Index and Directory sources, Content Management applications, Sametime
users and more
- Single result set: Get aggregated results presented as a single, ranked
result set
- Integrate with e-business applications: Easily integrate search capability
into e-business applications
- Scalable search: Support scalable enterprise search requirements across
departmental and geographic locations
- Save, resuse, share searches: Save, re-use and share searches
- Store and forward search results: Store search results and/or forward
search results to workflow or personalization applications
- Identify people: View shared searches to identify people with similar
- Quick start: Start quickly with ready-to-use Web client search applications
Your intranet becomes the nexus for information gathering -- increasing
productivity, while making more data available than ever before.
How easy is it to search?
Very easy. Data stored on disparate and distributed platforms is searched
with the click of a button. Search results from any data source (e.g.
discussions, address, or customer tracking) are transparently merged with
data returned from Notes, text, relational databases, and results sets
from selected Web search sites.
IBM Lotus Extended Search in Use
Michael is a sales representative for a company specializing in inventory
management systems. Michael is preparing to make a call on Acme, a large
retail chain and one of his best accounts. He launches his Lotus Notes
client and uses the Lotus Extended Search application to perform a search
on Acme.
Fortunately for Michael, his company has connected various databases and
document collections from Customer Support, Sales, Product Ordering,
Accounting, Education and Training, and Development through Lotus Extended
As Michael reviews his aggregated search results, he finds that Acme had
logged a problem with Customer Support only two days ago. A quick call to
the developer gives him the current status of the bug. Michael also
retrieves a meeting report from the Training Team which met with Acme
last month. He scans a Fashion News article from the Web and learns that
Acme is planning to open six new retail outlets over the next three
months. Then he selects his own meeting reports from the search results,
and reads his notes to refresh his memory.
Michael arrives at his customer's site well prepared, thanks to his
company's implementation of Lotus Extended Search.
System Requirements
Suported Web clients: Microsoft IE 5.01 SP2, Microsoft IE 5.5, Service
Pack 2 or IE 6, Netscape 6.0 or higher
Supported Server Platforms: Windows NT 4.x with Service Pack 4 or 6A,
Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1 or Red Hat Linux for Intel 7.3 or higher
Web and Application Server: IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 4.0.4
or higher: Advanced, Enterprise, or Advanced Single Server edition or
Websphere Application Server 5.0.0 or higher: base, Network Deployment,
or Enterprise edition or IBM Lotus Domino 5.0.10 or higher
Additional Requirements: IBM DB2 7.2 with Fixpack 7; or IBM DB2 UDB 8.1,
Enterprise, Workgroup or Personal edition; or Oracle 9